学术动态Academic trends 题目:Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium with Self-Strategy-Independent Consistency --From a ... 2023-09-22 题目:Shall We Only Store Popular Products? Warehouse Assortment Selection for E-Compa... 2023-09-22 题目:Resolving The Paradox of Openness: The Joint Influence of Appropriability and Org... 2023-09-22 题目:Tracing Value Added and ldentify GVCActivities in the Presence of Foreign DirectI... 2023-09-20 题目:User Anonymity and Information Quality of social Media:Evidence from a Natural Ex... 2023-09-14 题目:Heterogeneous Complementarity and Team Design:The Case of Real Estate Agents 2023-09-13 题目:Unraveling the Dividend Puzzle: A Field Experiment 2023-09-12 题目:财务管理、公司金融与商业分析&商科学生职业规划讨论与案例分享 2023-09-07 题目:Unraveling Multihoming Sellers’ Coping Strategies to Platform Information Qualit... 2023-09-05 题目:Markdown Pricing with Taste Projection of Strategic Consumers 2023-09-04 题目:Retail Pass-Through and Channel Management 2023-09-04 题目:Optimal Trials in Search for Product Information 2023-07-22 题目:Topic modeling in entrepreneurship research and co-creation in social entrepreneu... 2023-07-21 题目:A Test of Protection Motivation Theory in the Information Security Literature: A ... 2023-07-21 题目:Eye Movement Research in Marketing:Foundations,Data, Analyses and Findings 2023-07-19 题目:Developing High Quality Empirical Research 2023-07-19 题目:Navigating the Academic Review andPublication Process 2023-07-19 题目:Lesser evil under the watchful and powerful eyes? Concentration of major corporat... 2023-07-19 题目:面向数字平台的用户选择行为和品类管理决策研究 2023-07-18 题目:How Mergers and Acquisitions IncreaseData Breaches: A Complexity Perspective 2023-07-17 首页< <1...56789...43>>尾页