西交财会前沿论坛2020年第4期:Forecasting mortality with a hyperbolic spatio-temporal VAR model 2020-10-28 题目:Forecasting mortality with a hyperbolic spatio-temporal VAR model 报告人:江西财经大学产业经济研究院 冯凌秉 助理教授 时 间:2020年10月30日(周五)9:00开始 地 点:tyc234cc 太阳成集团313室 欢迎广大师生参加! 报告摘要:In this study, we adopt the concept of hyperbolic memory to the spatial dimension and propose a hyperbolic STVAR (HSTVAR) model. In this talk, I showcase that, retaining all desirable features of the STVAR, our model uniformly beats the Lee-Carter model, the weighted functional demographic model, Spatio-temporal VAR and sparse VAR counterparties for forecasting accuracy, when French and Spanish mortality data over 1950–2016 are considered. Simulation results also lead to robust conclusions. Long-term forecasting analyses up to 2050 comparing the four models are further performed. To illustrate the extensible feature of HSTVAR to a multi-population case, a two-population illustrative example using the same sample is further presented. 主讲人简介: 冯凌秉,澳大利亚国立大学统计学博士,现任江西财经大学产业经济研究院助理教授、硕士研究生导师,江西金融发展研究院高级研究员,统计之都理事会主席。其研究领域为金融计量和应用统计,其近期的研究兴趣主要是缺失值插补、人口统计学、波动率预测模型以及机器学习在经济学领域的应用等,已在相关领域发表论文十五篇。其主持国家自然科学基金一项,参与多项国家和省级课题研究。教学方面曾获得江西财经大学双语课程金牌讲师和青年教师教学奖。其译有《数据科学实战》与《R语言入门与实践》,并开发有数个R语言软件包。