新墨西哥大学罗欣教授学术讲座 2017-12-11 讲座1 题目:Emotions in behavioral information securityresearch: new insights and future trend讲座2 题目:Employee' deviant information security behavior inthe workplace: the role of emotions and perceived sanctions主讲:罗欣 教授 美国新墨西哥大学时间:12月12日(周二)上午9:00—12:00地点:tyc234cc 太阳成集团315会议室报告人简介:Xin (Robert) Luo is an Endowed Regent’s Professor and AssociateProfessor ofMIS at the University of New Mexico, USA. He has published research papers inleading journals including Decision Sciences,European Journal of InformationSystems, Journal of the AIS, DecisionSupport Systems, Communications of theACM, Information SystemsJournal, Information & Management, Journal ofStrategic InformationSystems, and so on. He is a Guest Associate Editor for MISQuarterly andan Associate Editor for Decision Sciences, European JournalofInformation Systems, Electronic Commerce Research, and Journal ofElectronicCommerce Research.